Important Documents
On this page you can find documents on budgeting and its modifications and additions for the Vrsi Municipality. 2024. godina…
Financial reports
Financial reports of Vrsi Municipality: 2024. Bilješke uz polugodišnji izvještaj za 2024. godinu - Razina 23 - objavljeno: 22.07.2024, 11:43h…
Consultation with the public
Here are public invitations for consulting with the public Active consulting Closed consulting Savjetovanje za donošenje Plana upravljanja pomorskim dobrom…
Spatial plan
Here are documents for spatial plan of Vrsi Municipality Spatial plan of Vrsi Municipality Odluka o izradi II. izmjena i…
Official heralds
Official heralds from 2024.: Official herald 01-24 Official herald 02-24 Official herald 03-24 Official herald 04-24 Official herald 05-24 Official…
Decisions and acts
Most important decisions issued by Municipal Council and the Mayor of Vrsi Municipality. All other decisions are here. Odluka o…
Information From Vrsi Municipality
Latest News
Municipal Administration
Number Of People
Number Of Places
Length Of The Coast
If You Noticed Problems
Report difficulties
With the aim of speeding up the settlement of municipal problems in the area of Vrsi Municipality, please report them by completing the form below which will be obtained directly from the communal line. You need to enter the address where the problem is located, a short description, and optionally add a photo. Please enter the street name exactly to make it easier to reach the location. If the problem can not be solved, the municipal order will forward it…